Wear Your Poppy To Support The NHS For Services Personnel

I’ve decided to keep wearing my Poppy until after the general election in December 2019. This is to show solidarity with the living servicemen who have been maimed and injured in UK Government conflicts around the world. The Poppy is always worn to support those soldiers, sailors, airman and others killed in service of their country and the sales of the poppies goes to support veterans. However, there are increasing numbers of physically or mentally injured service people who need a free NHS to support them.

But this isn't just about saving the NHS for injured service personnel, its about saving it for their families, their children and our entire society, wants its gone it is unlikely ever to be recreated.

So I'm asking others to join me in wearing their poppies until after the 12 December election, I hope if you love the NHS and want it to continue you will also vote for the Labour Party they are the only party that will save the NHS and will give our surviving heroes and servicing service personnel the NHS and services and support they deserve.

Malcolm aka #fixed1t




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